Proteome Commons —
A public repository for digital content relating to proteomics and a foundation for building a useful online community. Provides public access to free, open-source proteomics-related tools and allow researchers to share data using a Tranche network.
Uses JSP and a MySQL database. Ajax interactivity based on an expanded version of the Mini Ajax Library. Determines visitor location using MaxMind Geo Lite City. Runs a Tranche client connected to the ProteomeCommons Tranche network for interaction with the network through the site.
Tranche Project —
Informational site about the Tranche Project software. Visitors can download the Tranche source code, read the user and developer guides, learn more about how Tranche works.
Uses JSP and a MySQL database.
Ice Partner Search —
A tool for couples figure skaters that are looking for competitive partners. The site is similar to a myspace.com or a facebook.com. It allows a skater to add their biography to the database, edit that biography at any time, and add photos and videos to their biograpy. Any visitor is able to search the database either by name or by qualities they are looking for. Officially endorsed by U. S. Figure Skating.
Began March 3, 2003. Gets more than 1.6 million page views per year. Uses PHP and a MySQL database. Images created using Macromedia Fireworks.
Jotto —
Try to guess the secret word! This classic game is now available through your browser. You can Start a Single Player Game right now, but be sure to read the directions before starting!
Also designed for use on the iPhone: Jotto listing on Apple's iPhone Web Apps.
Uses object-oriented Javascript, JSP, and a MySQL database. Uses a design from Open Source Web Design. Ajax interactivity based on an expanded version of Mini Ajax Library.
augie's list —
Created because the other list doesn't work for figure skating. augieslist.org doesn't tie a person specifically to a location to look at classified ads. Additionally, it will be a more open system to allow for third-party use of the information.
Made in England Ltd. —
An e-commerce web site for an ethics-centric English fashion company. As per the name, the company uses only English-made materials and English textile manufacturers for their clothes. Visitors can learn more about the company and order clothes from the online store.
Purchased Flash template from a third party vendor, then customized. Uses PHP + MySQL database.
Tranche —
Tranche is a free and open source file sharing tool that enables the storage of large amounts of data. Designed and built with scientists and researchers in mind, Tranche essentially solves the data sharing problem in a secure and scalable fashion.
Built with Java. Worked with a team of developers to continue to develop Tranche beginning in January, 2007 at the University of Michigan. Significant acheivements include creating the Graphical User Interface using the Java Swing library, adding batch functionality to the server-client interactions, revamping the download code for more consistent and speedy downloads, and pulling all network-specific variables out of the primary Tranche project to allow for quick setup of independent parallel networks.
Tranche Annotations —
Stores and makes available meta information describing data sets in a Tranche repository. Stores the data in a MySQL database and exposes the information in a Java API. Available on SourceForge.
Jotto —
The classic word game is now available on your mobile phone. Try to guess the randomly generated secret word. Keep track of how well you're doing with high scores, both for least amount of time and least number of guesses.
Available on all J2ME (Java 2 Mobile Edition) compliant mobile phones with screen sizes 176 x 176 or greater and standard phone buttons. Download Jotto from Phoload.com.
Java MySQL Utility —
Utility written in Java that helps to cache and maintain connections with MySQL databases. Very useful for creating dynamic web sites using JSP. Available on SourceForge.
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