8/28 Productions
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Try to guess the secret five letter word.

Start out by guessing any five letter word. Your guesses must be real and must not contain the same letter twice.

When you guess a word, a number will be returned to you (# Same) that is the number of letters that are the same between that guess and the secret word.

As you go, the computer will figure out which letters are/are not in the secret word.

Letters highlighted in green are in the secret word, while letters highlighted in red are not in the secret word.

The alphabet at the top is useful for keeping track of all the possible letters.

If you get stuck, you can get a hint. If not all the secret letters have been found, the hints will be those secret letters at first. If all the secret letters have been found, the hints will be the correct ordering of the letters.

If at any time you would like to give up, you can end the game and the secret word will be shown to you.

Preview of in-game experience